Third Bridge Grant
The UConn College of Engineering, through the funding from Connecticut Innovations/CTNext, has established “The Third Bridge” as a virtual center focused on identifying engineering students with promising technologies developed both independently and within UConn labs. The goal of The Third Bridge is to mentor and aid these students as they advance their technologies towards successful commercialization. The Third Bridge will leverage and significantly expand upon the successful recent experience of the two-semester “Experiential Technology Entrepreneurship I and II” course offered by the School of Engineering, which immersed engineering graduate student teams in the process of commercializing their own innovation and/or UConn-developed technologies.

Third Bridge Grants Advance Student Tech Toward Commercialization
The program awards funding to student teams ranging from $10,000 to $75,000.
The School of Engineering is looking for innovators ready to take their technology to the next step as entrepreneurs.CTNext and Connecticut Innovations are funding the program for the ninth consecutive year. In addition to the funding, sponsors and the Third Bridge board provide recipients with mentorship and networking support. Engineering students currently or previously enrolled in the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses (ENGR 5300, ENGR/MGMT 3500 and ENGR/MGMT 3501) are encouraged to apply for the grants. Applications from other UConn students will also be considered.
Our Objectives

Providing knowledge and experience that graduate students require to gain confidence in their abilities as entrepreneurs and business leaders

Providing graduate students with sufficient evidence to convince them that their technology can be the basis of a viable business in the future

Nurturing students so they may develop an understanding of the full requirements, capabilities, and technological maturity needed to address market opportunities

Enabling graduate students to assess the current state of their technology relative to the requirements

Assisting graduate students in launching their startup companies